CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner Program

What is a CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner?

A CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner signifies a badge of credibility, professionalism, and knowledge within the field of work-integrated learning (WIL) through formalized training and validation of professional experience. It signifies not only having achieved a minimum competence in the field, but also a commitment to lifelong learning and maintaining high standards for quality WIL.  

Why apply for CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner designation? 

As practitioners in the field of work-integrated learning, certifying as a CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner holds immense value for several reasons:
1. Professional Validation: Certification serves as a tangible validation of your expertise and dedication to high quality WIL. It communicates to current and/or future employers, colleagues, students, and industry and community partners that you uphold the highest standards of professionalism and competency in your practice.
2. Alignment with Wise Practices: By becoming certified, you demonstrate your commitment to adhering to national standards and wise practices in WIL. This not only enhances the quality of your own programs, but also contributes to the overall advancement of the field.
3. Access to Resources and Networking: Certification provides access to a wealth of resources, learning opportunities, and a network of fellow practitioners. Engaging with this community allows you to stay updated on the latest trends, research findings, and innovative approaches in WIL.
4. Enhanced Career Opportunities: Certification can open doors to new career opportunities and advancement within the field of WIL. It signals to employers that you possess the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in roles related to program development, evaluation, coordination, and leadership.
5. Contribution to Student Success: Ultimately, certification empowers you to make a positive impact on student success. By honing your expertise and continuously improving your practice, you play a vital role in preparing students for the workforce and equipping them with the skills they need to thrive in today's dynamic employment landscape.
6. Commitment to Lifelong Learning: Certification requires that practitioners stay current on standards and trends in WIL and demonstrate a commitment to continuous improvement and lifelong learning through learning and development opportunities within CEWIL Canada or other approved partners. 

CEWIL Canada Certified WIL Practitioner Designation denotes not just completion of our comprehensive modules but your status as a certified expert in WIL. Ready to certify? Here’s how:

Meet Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible for the CEWIL Canada WIL Practitioner designation, you must meet the following criteria:

  1.Successful Completion of Three Modules: All applicants must have successfully completed the three learning modules:
      a. Module 1: Foundations of Quality WIL
      b. Module 2: Student Engagement in WIL
      c. Module 3: Partner Engagement in WIL

*We do not currently provide recognition of prior learning or assess course equivalences.


  2.Two Years of Experience: Two years of relevant WIL experience in required to obtain certification. Experience may present itself in various forms: directly involved in WIL or experiential education programs, career services, or industry facilitation. We recognize that work-integrated learning is a wide and varied field. Please indicate in your resume how you meet this criterion. 

  3.Post-Secondary Credential: A diploma, certificate, or degree is normally required for certification, but will consider and recognize the richness of past work or lived experiences.

  4.Membership in Good Standing: Maintain an individual membership with CEWIL Canada or ensure your organization holds at least one membership.

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