CEWIL Resource Hub: WIL Quality Indicators

Institutions around the world are interested in increasing the number of work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities available to post-secondary students. As the quantity of WIL programs and experiences increases, it's just as important to pay sufficient attention to the quality of these experiences for all key stakeholders. The AAA* WIL quality framework (McRae, Pretti, & Church, 2018) was developed through a review of quality in higher education and the field of WIL. Practitioners can use the framework to identify potential gaps in quality WIL. It also provides a list of potential outcomes and measures that can be used to evaluate WIL programs.aaa

The key components of quality WIL as defined by AAA* are pedagogy, experience, assessment, and reflection, or P.E.A.R. Making sure all four elements of P.E.A.R. are met is critical for ensuring quality WIL. 


WIL Quality Indicators

In the context of quality WIL, pedagogy represents the integration of workplace learning and academic learning. When thinking about pedagogy, practitioners may seek to answer the following questions:

  • How WIL fits into the overall curriculum, including when it occurs, for how long, and how it's taught
  • Whether or not a program includes one or many instances of WIL experience
  • At what stage in a student's curriculum the WIL experience occurs
  • How the WIL experience connects with and to other courses in the curriculum

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WIL Quality Framework

In addition to the WIL quality indicators detailed above, WIL experiences also need to be evaluated in terms of their impact on a variety of stakeholders. WIL is a collaborative endeavour, and the perspectives of all stakeholders must be incorporated to ensure the quality of WIL outcomes. 

Students are the participants in WIL courses and programs.




  • Searching for/applying to potential WIL experience
  • Engaging in the curriculum which may include job search exercises, understanding expectations of the host organization and setting learning outcomes/goals for the WIL experience
  • Successfully completing assigned responsibilities and engaging with others in organization
  • Engaging in proactive workplace behaviours
  • Meeting curricular responsibilities as required by their academic program
  • Reflecting on their learning and growth from the experience
  • Leaving WIL experiences having met all expectations and with new skills and working relationships 
Searching for/applying to potential WIL experiences
Engaging in the curriculum which may include job search exercises, understanding expectations of the host organization and setting learning outcomes/goals for the WIL experience
Successfully completing assigned responsibilities and engaging with others in organization
Engaging in proactive workplace behaviours
Meeting curricular responsibilities as required by their academic program
Reflecting on their learning and growth from the experience
Leaving WIL experiences having met all expectations and with new skills and working relationships 
Academic outcomes
Integrate theory with practice
Clarity about academic goals
Academic motivation

Professional outcomes
Developing key workplace competencies
Understanding workplace culture
Developing clarity about career goals
Building a professional network
Increasing success with post-graduation employment

Personal outcomes
Ability to determine strengths and weaknesses
Increased maturity and confidence
Potential earnings
Productive and responsible citizenship skills
Lifelong learning skills  

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