Dr. Graham Branton Research Award

Impact on Scholarly Research in WIL


The Dr. Graham Branton Research Award celebrates individuals or teams whose scholarly research initiatives have significantly contributed to pushing the boundaries of our WIL current knowledge and practices, particularly as they relate to issues of equity, diversity, inclusion, access and accessibility at the post-secondary level in Canada. This award recognizes research outcomes that have or will have demonstrable impact with the potential to positively inform future WIL policy, pedagogy, practice and/or research.

Significant contributions are broadly recognized as encompassing a diverse range of research studies or bodies of work. This includes scholarship that pushes the boundaries of traditional academic frameworks to incorporate justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion principles as well as anti-racist and decolonial perspectives. Such contributions may offer, as examples, insights into promoting equitable access and participation in WIL, dismantling systemic barriers and fostering inclusive learning environments. 

The 2023-2024 Dr. Graham Branton Research Award will consider the nominee’s efforts and accomplishments for both completed work and work in progress. For ongoing research still in progress, the evaluation will be based on preliminary findings, proposed processes and anticipated impact, acknowledging adaptability of research to incorporate EDI learning as research progresses.

This award is reserved specifically for initiatives that do fall within the category of scholarly research. Non-scholarly research initiatives should instead be submitted to the Albert S. Barber Award.

The Research Award was instituted in 1989 to recognize and encourage significant contributions to scholarly research in the fields of co-operative education and work-integrated learning by members of Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada (CEWIL). In 1996, the award was renamed in memory of Dr. Graham Branton.
  • Individuals must be a member in good standing with CEWIL Canada for the 2023-2024 academic year (i.e., September 2023 - August 2024). For team nominees, at least one individual within a team must be a member in good standing with CEWIL Canada for the 2023-2024 academic year (i.e., September 2023 - August 2024)
  • The nominee must be engaged as an individual or team in scholarly research in the field of co-operative education and/or work-integrated learning. The research may be complete or in progress.

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