Past Professional Development Opportunities

CEWIL's Professional Development committee has been hard at work organizing informative webinars for CEWIL members and the broader co-op and WIL community

CEWIL Webinar: EDI & WIL: Employer/Partner Perspectives


CEWIL Webinar: EDI & WIL: Student Perspectives


CEWIL Webinar: EDI & WIL: Practitioner Perspectives


CEWIL Webinar: Exploring Simulation, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR) in the COVID-19 Context and Beyond


Virtual Simulation in Nursing

Virtual Outcrop Models in Geoscience Education

Piloting AI Competencies Through Authentic Learning Experiences in Virtual Labs (cut short slightly, see the updated slides for further information) 

CEWIL Webinar: Exploring Service Learning in the COVID19 Context


Community Service Learning (CSL) is a form of Work-Integrated Learning that integrates meaningful community service with classroom instruction and critical reflection to enrich the learning experience and strengthen communities. In practice, students work in partnership with a community-based organization to apply their disciplinary knowledge to a challenge identified by the community. Reciprocity and mutual benefit are central to partnerships for Service-Learning. How this is done through crisis times is a test of postsecondary institutions’ commitment to deep community engagement.

Through this webinar, Service-Learning practitioners from across Canada discuss how projects and partnerships with community are quickly adapted as a result of COVID-19. 

Click here to see the answers to additional questions that the presenters didn't have time to get to. 


CEWIL Webinar: Remote Learning

Hear the employer's perspective from Brien Convery, RBC and from an institutional view, we have Shandy Johnston and Lauren Broderick joining us from the University of Waterloo.